Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Today Gavin had lab work and an appointment with the neurologist. I would say Dr. Siegler is his favorite doctor. Gavin always says, "I just love him, he makes sad kids happy!" He truly is a great doctor, brings a lot of laughter out of Gavin when we spend time with him. Dr. S consulted with Gavin's ophthalmologist during our appointment today. They decided to run some more tests, so we will see Dr. Groves in the morning. Hoping for good news!

After the appointment with Dr. S, Dr. O (Gavin's cardiologist) called and said that today's labs showed that Gavin's INR levels were higher. He said to stop the Coumadin tonight and we will do a smaller dose tomorrow. In the meantime, we need to keep him in a bubble so he doesn't get cut or bruised. Not an easy task with 2 boys! Home health will come on Friday to draw more labs and we will go from there. Hoping things level out before school starts, that will just be an added stress... Thank you all for the continued thoughts and prayers! We feel

Gavin's stash of daily meds! 

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